Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Cha cha cha Changes and Rebooting the matrix

Well it's has been a long time since I wrote a blog entry, In fact, my last posting was on my birthday (August 21). Ouch! Of course a lot has happened since then with most of the cool stuff being shared on Facebook already. The pictures from my travels and around town occurrences has been shared for the masses online and I think that's been making me lazy about keeping up with this blog, so in the spirit of honesty I will not lie and say things will change and I will start posting more frequently because I know that is BS. What I will say is that I will try to be more introspective about my service moving forward and share more of my observations and the people, customs, and places that I engage with here. How's that sound? 

This message was to merely reflect the changing flow of my posting moving forward. Be on the lookout for new updates and posting in the near future. And of course be sure to check out my facebook page and twitter (@djbool) as my acocunts are linked things are shown on both sites. 

Thanks for following my journey for over the last year and the next 15+ months to come
